Hudson Evans
CEO / Managing Director
Tel.: +44 17 92 32 63 50
Mobile: +44 79 76 93 13 01
Previously COO with aluminium recycling specialist RecovCo Ltd and Operations Director of Platinum Controls Ltd, a leading technology provider to the secondary aluminium industry.
Detlev Schuette
CTO / Company Director
Tel.: +49 5261 25 07 - 37
Mobile: +49 172 2 77 00 40
More than 25 years of experience in the refractory industry and responsible for all technical and operational affairs in the M-Group worldwide.
David Roberts
Head of Irish Department
Tel.: +44 17 92 32 63 50
Mobile: +44 75 84 70 06 91
More than 35 years experience within the refractory industry. David has a wealth of experience installing monolithic refractory solutions into the Steel, Aluminium, Cement, Petro Chemical and Power Industries.
Gary Manterfield
Projects Director
Tel.: +44 17 92 32 63 50
Mobile: +44 77 89 55 50 35
More than 25 years experience within the refractory industry, including working with Vesuvius, RHI and Refratechnic - all leading refractory specialists.
Mark Weston
Projects Director
Tel.: +44 17 92 32 63 50
Mobile: +44 79 75 52 04 72
More than 25 years experience within the refractory industry, including working with Vesuvius, RHI and Refratechnic - all leading refractory specialists.
Felix Soyka
Project Manager
Tel.: +49 5261 25 07 - 39
Mobile: +49 172 2 77 00 43
More than 15 years in the refractory industry and a wealth of on-site experience. An expert in shotcast technology and refractory installations in diverse industrial sectors including cement, lime, biomass and waste to energy.
Steve Wright
Technical and Continuous Improvement Manager
Tel.: +49 1792 32 63 50
Mobile: +49 7921 80 86 85
A refractory specialist with more than 30 years’ experience in refractory user industries, having previously worked in both smaller organisations and larger global groups on a local and worldwide basis.
Andrew Rowe
Health and Safety Manager
Tel.: +44 1792 32 63 50
Mobile: +44 7774 34 60 38
Previously a Chartered Surveyor, Andrew spent 11 years in Chile running his own outdoor business before returning to the UK. He has been working with Moller for the last two years in health and safety capacities.
Sean Morris
Financial Controller
18 years’ experience in accounts; beginning in practice with Watkins Bradfield & Co. Sean has worked in various industries, culminating in Platinum Controls from January 2011, where he has been working closely alongside the directors on all financial matters.